Report on the Order of Malta’s participation at the 2016 UN World Humanitarian Summit
On 23-24 May 2016 the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) was held in Istanbul. It was convened by then United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as a call to action to reduce suffering and deliver better for people caught in humanitarian crises. 9,000 participants representing 180 Member States, including 55 Heads of State and Government, hundreds of civil society and non-governmental organizations, and partners from the private sector and academia committed to collective action to take forward the Secretary-General’s new Agenda for Humanity which lays out key actions that are needed to deliver on the five core responsibilities: prevent and end conflict; respect rules of law; leave no one behind; work differently to end need; invest in humanity. The WHS was preceded by three years of global consultations, enabling stakeholders to put forward their proposals. The Order of Malta was fully committed to the WHS process and engaged in its preparatory work right from the beginning, through its Permanent Observer Missions to the UN in New York and Geneva. During the Summit, the Order of Malta’s Delegation participated in several events and contributed to the discussions. It endorsed the key commitments of thw WHS and renewed its humanitarian mission to save and assist people in need.