H.E. Fra’ John Dunlap presents the award in the presence of His Eminence Cardinal Silvano Tomasi – Delegate of the Pope -, the Most Reverend Jean Laffitte – Prelate of the Order -, H.E. Ambassador Stefano Ronca – Secretary-General for Foreign Affairs -, Jean-François Kammer – Deputy Permanent Observer to the United Nations in Geneva -, H.E. Dr. Marcus Bergmann – Ambassador of Austria -. Further participants as on the photos below were: the Geneva diplomatic team, family members, and H.S.H. Prince Hugo von Windisch-Graez – SMOM Ambassador to Slovenia, H.H. Fra’ Gottfried Kühnelt-Leddhin – Grand Prior of Austria, H.E. Grand Chancellor Riccardo Paterno di Montecupò.
Magistral Palace, Rome, 5th October 2022